Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

free style football

Atw (Around the World) – A complete revolution around the ball using your foot. As you are juggling, hit the ball with either the inside or outside of the foot (depending on which way you are going around the ball) to give it a bit of a spin. Your foot should make a complete revolution around the ball and come back under the ball to continue juggling. It is perhaps one of the most basic freestyle tricks. Practice is the key.
Inside atw - Same with atw but different direction.
Half Atw - Almost the same thing as the around the world, except after you make your revolution with your foot around the ball and before you touch it again, you let the ball drop to your opposite foot instead.

Htw (Hop the World) – A touch with one foot, and the opposite foot goes around the ball outside to inside and comes around and under to touch the ball, and to continue juggling.
Outside htw - Same as htw but different direction.

Crossover – A simple but nice looking move. You jump up and swing one leg around the ball while having a trailing leg underneath that leg which kicks the ball up from under the leg you swung around the ball with.

Toe bounce – The ball is allowed to drop to your standing foot. The other leg swings around over the ball as the ball bounces off the standing foot and comes back up again. Swinging your leg outside to inside is the most common and generally the easier way to perform this trick, however, you can also perform a toe bounce with your leg swinging over the ball inside to outside. Balance is the key.

Headstall – Balance the ball on your head roughly where the hairline should be.

Side slap – A very simple trick that is not used very often. Beginners will try this and perform it very easily while thinking it’s an amazing move. I’m not sure if there are many experienced freestylers who would consider this anything more than a below average move. As the ball is dropping to the ground you first step over the ball and let it bounce. On the way back up your other trailing leg pounds the ball down to the ground again from behind the leg you stepped over with and should now be your supporting leg.

Rainbow – Catch the ball between your feet. One foot (usually the dominant one) rolls the ball up your support leg. Then, with your support leg, bring the backheel up and flick the ball up.

Aeroplane or Back Roll - From juggling you kick the ball up into the air so it makes contact with your right shoulder, then spin round making the ball spin across the top of your back and off your left shoulder to carry on juggling.

Piledriver - From footstall (or juggle), the ball is lifted and slammed against the floor using the shin. This can be used in a combo going into any move such as atw, crossover, tatw etc.  The move can also be performed with both legs alternatively as shown in the gif.

Dislocated Knee (dlk) – Bring your leg up. The ball makes contact with the knee but you also kick out with your foot and the ball kind of pops up from your knee as you pull your foot back.
Footstall - Rest the ball on your foot.  The move can be done much easier if you point your toes upwards so you clamp the ball between your foot and your shin.
Hotstepper - Pound the ball to the ground continuously using the soles of both feet alternatively.  It is just as if you would be dribbling a basketball with your hands.
Shoulderstall - There is a groove on your shoulder between your back/neck muscles and collarbone where the ball can rest.  However, there are two ways to perform a shoulderstall.  One is where you have the ball out in front of you very much similar to a cheststall, and the other is where the ball is out to your side and you are also using the side of your head to hold the ball still.
Hamstring Stall - Catch the ball between your heel or the back of your leg, and your ass.
Alternate Hamstring Stall - Catch the ball between your heel and the opposite cheek on your ass.
Between feet catch - Catch the ball between your feet.
Between knees catch - Catch the ball between your legs, about at the height where your knees are.

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