Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Active Sentence

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2

1.riky helps Merry.
2.benny is helping deri
3.rosi has helped fahmy
4.Nick helped benny
5.edi was helping Merry.
6.Ardan had helped zezen
7.denny will help Merry
8.Nick is going to help bona is helping doni
10.ali will have helped ervan

Pasive Sentence

tugas bahasa inggris bisnis 2.
contoh kalimat pasif.
1.agung is helped by fauzi
2.agung is being helped by fauzi.
3.agung has been helped by fauzi
4.agung was helped by fauzi
5.andi was being helped by Nick
6.irfan had been helped by budi
7.sule will be helped by adre
8.Merry is going to be helped by Nick.
9.doni will have been helped by sony
10.robby is helped by joni