Jumat, 18 November 2011

complain letter

Complaint letter is a sort letter which we use to help you achieve your goals from your complaint. The complaint letter should be addressed to the customer service/consumer affairs department or the head office if there is no customer service department.

Fortune Goods
317 Orchard Road
5 January 2011
Attn: Mr fram
Sales Manager
Agung racing
sentul city
Dear Mr Choi
Re. Order No. 768197
I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly.
On 29 December 2010 we placed an order with your firm for 12,000 ultra super long-life batteries. The consignment arrived yesterday but contained only 1,200 batteries.
This error put our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency purchases to fulfil our commitments to all our customers. This caused us considerable inconvenience.
I am writing to ask you to please make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that such errors do not happen again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies.
I look forward to hearing from you by return.
Yours sincerely
J. Fram
J. Fram
Purchasing Officer

Order Letter

Depok, November 10, 2011
Number       : 008 / AK/ 10
Subject        : Delivery Order
Restu Electronic
Street. Jl. depok jaya,Depok
Telp. 021-2122222
Dear Mr. Nchi,
Through this, we want to order your products such as:
1.    KEYBOARD          = 10 units
2.     CPU                       =36 units
3.      Audio Player       = 100 units
4.      Speaker               = 15 units
5.   Switch                  = 22 units
6.   Printer                  =  30 units
7.   Lcd flat                  =  36 units
8.  Laptop                    = 30 units
Please as soon as the goods are sent to Cepat Lelap Hotel. Because it would be in use for visitor. I as manager PT.Cepat lelap, expect the goods shipped are not damaged. When the goods have arrived. My phone number 02199999888.

Thank your prompt attention.
                                                                                             Yours Sincerely
Joni blak-blakan

Senin, 17 Oktober 2011

Tugas 2 Softskil Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1

Tugas 2.1 Letter of Refusal

Ms. clara
President of Writer's Association
121, St. Park's Street

Dear Ms. clara,

I am really honored to receive an invitation to become a member of your prestigious Association. I am greatly thankful to you and the other members of the Association to give me such an honorable offer.

I understand that being part of your Association would require me to put in my quality time and effort which I am quite willing to. However, I am already committed to various projects for more than a year and hence, I will not be able to do justice as a member of the Association. I respectfully request you to look for another person who is worthy to be a member of your Association.

Best Wishes for the Future.



Exercise 10

  1. are
  2. Bring
  3. Is
  4. Isn't 
  5. Have
  6. Have
  7. Are
  8. Is
  9. Have
  10. Varies

Exercise 11
  1. Is
  2. Is
  3. Are
  4. Was
  5. Has 
  6. Was
  7. Was
  8. Has 
  9. Was 
  10. Have 
  11. Makes 
  12. Was 
  13. Was 
  14. Has 
  15. Is 
  16. Has 
  17. Are 
  18. Has 
  19. Have 
  20. Has

Exercise 12
  1. Him
  2. Her
  3. Us
  4. She
  5. He
  6. She
  7. Your
  8. My
  9. Himself
  10. We
  11. Himself
  12. Our
  13. Her
  14. Himself
  15. Yourself
  16. Me
  17. His
  18. Me
  19. Us
  20. Hers
Exercise 13
  1. To accept
  2. To have
  3. Going
  4. To reach
  5. Opening
  6. Leaving
  7. To return
  8. To buy
  9. To accept
  10. Being
  11. To be
  12. To finish
  13. To leave
  14. To tell
  15. To stop
  16. Drving
  17. To know
  18. To return
  19. Leaving
  20. Leaving
Exercise 14
  1. Us
  2. His
  3. Us
  4. Me
  5. His
  6. George's
  7. The defense attorney's
  8. Henry
  9. Our
  10. John
Exercise 15
  1. To be cut
  2. To be water
  3. To see
  4. Making
  5. Tuning
  6. To be
  7. To be Oil
  8. To go
  9. To study
  10. Painting
Exercise 16
  1. Who would to be elect president 
  2. Whose book it is
  3. How much will cost to repair it
  4.  How the murder commit
  5. How tall
  6. How she is play the guitar
  7. When the next exam will be
  8. Where they spend their vacation
  9. Why they buy it
  10. How long the class last
Exercise 17 
  1. Aren't you?
  2. Didn't he?
  3. Isn't there?
  4. Won't be?
  5. Hasn't she?
  6. Isn't it?
  7. Shouldn't she?
  8. Can you? 
  9. Are there?
  10. Haven't we?

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011


Tugas 1.1

 1.tugas memo



for     : Ms. Aura Kasih
From : Mr.Agung Fauzi, Manager of PT.Agung Racing Team,supplier of Racing Part Motorcycle

Mr.Agung Fauzi ask Ms.Aura Kasih to email her as soon as possible,to discuss our joining to supllier of racing part motorcylce.
(email : busi_copot@yahoo.com)

Date: monday, 3 October 2011
Take by :Mr.roby

2. tugas telex


DATE  : Depok, 3th October 2011
TO       : Agung Racing Team
ATTN  : Document 
FM       : PT.Fauzi Racing Product Bandung.
CC       : PT.Fauzi Racing Product Depok / Mr Agung


Exercise 2

Count                                                                                    Non-Count                                                              

- television                                                                    - news
- car                                                                             - geography
- person                                                                        - atmosphere 
- pencil                                                                          - water
- tooth                                                                           - food
- soap                                                                            - soup
- cup                                                                              - money
- minute                                                                          - hydrogen

Exercise 3

1. much
2. a little
3. those
4. less
5. to many
6. this
7. to much
8. a few
9. fewer
10. to much

Exercise 4

1 a
2 the,-,-
3 a , -
4 a,-,a
5 a,-,-,-
6 the,the
7 the,the,-
8 -
9 the,-,a,a
10 a,-,the
11 the,the
12 -,the,the
13 the,the
14 -,the,-
15 a
16 -,-,the
17 -,-
18 the,an
19 the,an
20 the
21 the,the
22 the,-
23 the,a,the,the
24 the,a,the
25 the
26 an,the,-
27 a
28 the
29 the,the
30 the,the

Exercise 5

1. anther one
2. other ones
3. the other one
4. the other books
5. another one, the other countries
6. other ones, another one, the other one
7. other ones
8. other ones, another one, the other one
9. other ones, another one, the other places
10. other ones

Exercise 6

1.      Smells
2.      Are eating
3.      Practices
4.      Are driving
5.      Believe
6.      Is having
7.      Is swimming
8.      Hates
9.      Gets
10.  Is mowing

Exercise 7

1.      Was eating
2.      Slept
3.      Studied
4.      Was having
5.      Went
6.      Entered
7.      Looked
8.      Saw
9.      Owed
10.  Was writing, broke

Exercise 8

1.      Written
2.      Has seen
3.      Has already read
4.      Has worked
5.      Have not began
6.      Went
7.      Has traveled
8.      Written
9.      Called
10.  Have not seen

Exercise 9

1.      Had aressted
2.      Had washed
3.      Had waited
4.      Entered
5.      Washed
6.      Had received
7.      Sat
8.      Had flipped
9.      Had took
10.  Lived